FAA Establishes Feedback Process for DPE/Practical Test Concerns
A group of industry representatives has been working with the FAA over the past year to help improve the ability of flight training providers to secure practical flight tests for the customers they train. In some parts of the U.S., long waits and inconsistent test administration have been reported. While every situation has two sides to a story, we want to know more and the FAA is interested in feedback from applicants and flight training providers regarding any concerns about the provision of FAA practical tests throughout the United States.
To gain more direct feedback, the FAA has established an email address to send any concerns, questions and/or positive feedback about the practical testing process and those that provide the tests. The email is as follows:
Applicants and flight training providers are encouraged to use this address to directly contact the FAA at the national level to have any concerns addressed and reviewed. This is a customer centric feedback opportunity for the practical test segment of airmen testing.
While this feedback is intended for feedback about DPEs, there is nothing that limits DPEs from also providing feedback to this email address about concerns they have in the test administration process. It goes directly to national level FAA representatives, not a local FSDO. We encourage DPEs to also use this feedback outlet if they experience concerns that they feel need to be addressed above their local FSDO.