FAA Information on IACRA to DMS Issues
The FAA provided the following this past week:
“In the latest DMS release notes, we told you there would be new functionality in populating certain data fields. Unfortunately, this data push did not happen as we expected. Don’t worry; we’re working hard to correct this problem. We’ve received questions from a few but wanted to send a broadcast message to everyone for your awareness. First of all, this issue will not cause work stoppage.
While we are working towards functionality, here are some things to know regarding the new fields on the post-activity report and the “populate from IACRA” button:
- The “Populate from IACRA” functionality is not yet in place. The button will not do anything even if you put in the applicant FTN number and application number.
- While there is an asterisk by the applicant FTN number and application ID fields, those fields are not required in order to submit a post-activity report. The report will go through even if those fields are blank.
- The application ID field will only accept SIX digits, but most application ID numbers are seven digits. We are working on getting that fixed. However, at this time, that is irrelevant (see previous bullets).
- Even when the populate from IACRA functionality is in place, the applicant FTN number and application ID numbers will only be required if a DPE wishes to populate from IACRA. If they do are doing a paper application, a proficiency check, or wish to fill in the post-activity report manually, they can submit with those field blank
We expect to have these issues resolved next week. We will notify you through DRS as soon as they are fixed and the “populate from IACRA” functionality is working.”