FAA Issues Draft 8000.95B CHG 1 Policy – Designee Management for Public Comment
The FAA has recently issued an updated draft of FAA Order 8000.95B CHG1 for public review and comment.
This order establishes policy for integrated designee management across the Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM), Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), Flight Standards Service (FS), and Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service (AOV) as well as the use of the Designee Management System (DMS), which is a web-based tool designed to standardize the management of designees.
The intended audience is AVS designees, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) managing specialists, and FAA personnel who may interact with designees or designee programs, including FAA management, operational, and administrative employees as appropriate. A secondary audience is persons seeking to become designees.
This policy directly affects how Designees (including DPEs) conduct their work and are managed and it is recommended if the aviation industry sees any concerns with the changes offered in this policy that they be suggested in public comment to this draft order.
The order can be found at: